Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover! Right?

Not so fast there Slick! A spiffy book cover (also know as jackets) is just as important, some would argue more important, as your content of your book that you've slaved over.

The old cliche, the title of today's post, doesn't fare well in our modern and impulsive world. The impact of a well designed book cover spans both traditional publishing and e-books. It is the first impression a would-be-buyer will see. It is the first kiss, the first touch of the love affair readers will embark on when reading what you have labored over to perfection. At this point, you've polished your manuscript to a high sheen, its time to dress it for the dance!

For those of you that are pursuing traditional publishing, you are familiar with what a query letter is. You are also familiar with how hard it is to condense a full sized manuscript down to 350 words or less while capturing all the goodies to reel in a literary agent! Now, think of doing that through illustration! Creating a book cover is not for the faint of heart. A lot depends on it. So my advice, this isn't something to pinch the pennies on. Get someone who designs book covers professionally.

If you are self-publishing, keep the fact in mind that e-books have different criteria than printed books. Your designer will know this. If they don't, deep six them and move on to one that does!

A good designer will try to capture the essence of your story in one compelling cover. It should convey the atmosphere and  the heart of your book. Its all about imagery. It is what will capture the attention of the buyer. It is what entices them to read the blurb and buy your book. It is a visual representation of months of grueling work on your part! Don't waste it!

Research indicates, in today's fast paced society, you have about 3 seconds to grab someone's attention! Want your book on a display in the book store - you better have a stellar cover!

Here is a link to a video that I found informative and funny concerning book covers.

Remember, just because you've written your book and had it edited doesn't mean your job is done! Your job has just begun!


  1. I'm guilty of looking at covers first. Of course, there are books that I've heard are good and am dying to read, but when I am just looking, the cover is what catches my interest. Lol! Maybe a little superficial!

  2. I don't think you're superficial. I think it's how we're wired in our fast paced society. I'll step up and admit, if the cover doesn't catch my attention, I go to one that does.

  3. The publisher of my book told me that people in a bookstore will make up their mind to pick up a book in 3 seconds. Once they pick up the book, you have 10 seconds (blurb on the back) to get them to open the book. Once they open the book, you have 1 min (Opening) to get them to buy it. So, if you don't catch an eye in 3 seconds from within a store with other books using that same 3 second rule, you don't sell.....
