Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Count that Counts

From my other posts, you know I'm a big fan of having a word count goal with each writing session. Over the holidays I had a brief conversation with a writer friend of mine on how to find that comfortable amount of words to settle into.

So, the first thing we need to agree to is that writing a novel isn't easy. It takes time, patience and dedication. It's a commitment of endurance and a commitment to your characters.

There are many reasons for setting a daily word count goal. One, it keeps you on schedule and focused. Without it, your project may linger and ultimately be pushed aside completely! Like I told my writer friend, "Motivation and devotion, no mater how pure, has a shelf-life. The longer you take to complete a project, the less likely you will!" Again, this is where a word count comes to the rescue. It keeps you moving down the road of completion in a steady and measured way.

There are a couple pitfalls to watch out for. To begin with, temper your expectations. A goal is nice, but it can also be a source of discouragement. If you set your count to high and you constantly miss your mark, it can impact the energy that drives your writing. However, setting it to low and you risk a jerky/choppy story arc and underdeveloped plot lines.

When deciding on a word count goal for a project, there are a few factors you should think of. When do you plan to have your writing sessions? Yes, it's important to have a set time slot each day. What is your targeted length of your book? Do your fingers dance across the keyboard or do they peck like a blind and deaf woodpecker with rheumatoid arthritis? Do you have any experience in writing novel length stories? Finally, you must be honest with yourself when evaluating your enthusiasm for your project.

For me, I set my goal at 1,500 words per day. There are days when I struggle to hit that mark. But, there are many days that I far exceed it. Use it as a guideline to keep you moving in the right direction. Never use it as a stopping point. If you're in the middle of a suspenseful part of the plot, or a budding romance between your superhero and arch villain, don't stop just because you hit word count quota! Keep going! Writing isn't a hold-that-thought activity.

Now, what happens on those days you don't hit your goal? This happens. For me, if I don't write, I begin experiencing anxiety and the slow burn of guilt. A condition I can only reverse by writing. I also have some favorite blogs I follow and read myself. It all helps to keep me focused and motivated.

I know some who claim they don't need a word count. I'm sure there are exceptions. For the vast majority of us, however, not having one leads our projects to the dusty shelves of neglect.

Good Luck! I know you can do it! Just remember to have FUN! You're already doing something most have only dreamed about - WRITING!

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